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Cancellation Policy

We appreciate that sometimes you may have to cancel your driving lesson. In order to save you the cost of the cancellation and so that the instructor has the chance to offer the lesson to someone else, we have a 48-hour cancellation policy.

You can find our full Terms and Conditions here but for easy access the Terms and Conditions regarding cancellations is detailed below.​


  • The student must give 48 hours’ notice when cancelling a driving lesson, otherwise the driving lesson will be charged in full. This includes reducing the length of a driving lesson (e.g. reducing a 2 hour driving lesson to a 1 hour driving lesson without prior notice). This includes voucher balances.

  • The student can make cancellations via email ( or directly with the driving instructor.​

  • Where a student repeatedly cancels lessons, within or outside of the cancellation period, the driving instructor reserves the right to:

    • Require a longer period of notice required for the cancellation of driving lessons

    • Request the replacement of your advance payment at your next lesson.

    • Insist on prepayment (One Week) for all driving lessons.

    • Discontinue further driving lessons with the student.t

  • Where the student is, in the driving instructor’s sole opinion, not fit to drive through alcohol, drugs or any other condition, the driving lesson will be cancelled and the driving lesson will be charged in full.


  • The cancellation notice period is reduced to 24 hours.

  • Please notify your instructor as soon as possible in the event of covid symptoms or a positive test

  • If a positive test is returned your lesson fee will be held over until the follwoing lesson.

Sometimes your lesson will unavoidably be cancelled by your instructor. Here is our policy regarding cancellations from your instructor:


  • Driving lessons may sometimes need to be cancelled at short notice due to adverse weather conditions, a fault with the driving instructor’s car, the driving instructor being ill or some other emergency or unforeseen occurrence. Every effort will be made to notify the student as soon as is possible..

  • The driving instructor will rearrange any appointment to a time suitable for both parties.

  • Where the instructor has been unable to give 24 hours’ notice of the cancellation or unable to re-schedule, a replacement lesson will be given be free of charge, with the exception of any occurrence beyond the instructor’s control, such as adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown, sickness, etc.

  • Due to the nature of driving tests, there will be occasions where a pupils regular lesson would need to be re-scheduled to accommodate the test appointment. 

INSPIRE DRIVER TRAINING reserves the right to amend the above terms and conditions at any time. 

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